
51剧情网 经典电影台词 124 0



1. You focus on doing what you are really into without caring about the practical stuff. What you dedicate yourself into and will always dedicate yourself into are freedom, blossom, devotion, original aspiration and guts.


2. What this era lacks is not the person who is perfect but the person who is with virtue, justice, courage and compassion.


3. Never forget to reflect on life and be truthful to yourself.


4. I sincerely hope that you can remember how precious you are when you are discouraged by the viciousness and I also truly beg you that you can believe how special you are and love who you really love, do what you should do, follow your heart without caring about practical gains or loss.


5. You whined that she didn’t tell you the truth but did you give her the strength to be truthful to you?


标签: 无问西东台词
