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[《战争之王》观后感]看完片子,本想说很多,但是想了想,又没什么可说的了,《战争之王》观后感。导演和编剧表达的意图很明显,谴责战争,影片中那位国际*拼命的抓凯奇哥,实际上到了最后结尾,却相当等讽刺。Let me tell you what\'s gonna happen.This way you can prepare yourself.Soon there\'s gonna be aknock on that door and you will be called ***.In the hall there will be aman who outranks you.First,he\'ll compliment you on the fine job you\'ve done,that you\'re making the world asafer place,that you\'re to receive acommendation and apromotion.And then he\'s going to tell you that Iam to be ***.You\'re going to ***.You\'ll probably threaten to resign.But in the end Iwill be released.The reason I\'ll be released is the same reason you think I\'ll be convicted.I do rub shoulders with some of the most vile,sadistic men calling themselves leaders today.But some of those men are the enemies of your enemies.And while the biggest arms dealer in the world is your boss,the President of the United States,who ships more merchandise in aday than Ido in ayear,sometimes it\'s embarrassing to have his fingerprints on the guns.Sometimes he needs afreelancer like me to supply forces he can\'t be seen supply ing.So,you call me evil.But unfortunately for you,I\'m anecessary evil.让我告诉你将会发生什么事情,好让你有个心理准备。很快会有人来敲门叫你出去,大厅里有个比你官衔高的人,观后感《《战争之王》观后感》。首先,他会称赞你所做的一切,世界因为你变得更安全,你会获得表扬或晋升。然后他会告诉你,我会被释放。你会反对,也许还威胁要辞职,但最后我还是会被释放。我被释放的理由跟你认为我会被定罪的理由一样,我和世界上称自己为*的人打交道。这些人其中有些是你敌人的敌人,世界上最大的*商是你的老板,美国的总统,他一天卖的比我一年还多,有时候在*上找到他的指纹是一件很尴尬的事,有时他需要像我这样的自由工作者供应一些他不方便出面供应的货物。所以,你说我是恶魔,但不幸的是,对你我是一个必须存在的恶魔。The world\'s biggest arms suppliers are The US,UK,Russia,France and China.They are also the five permanent members of The ***.Security Council.(世界上最大的*出口国是美国、俄罗斯、英国、法国和中国。同时它们也是联合国安理会五大常任理事国。)这些家伙在卖*,可是有哪位国际*去抓他们?片子真的不错,凯奇哥的演技表现得干畅淋漓,影片中他的弟弟其实是个被导演和编剧"绑架了"的角色,现实中不太可能出现那种为了非洲人民的生命把自己和老哥的生命葬送掉的人。其余的配角们也都很出色,不过有一段从中.国运输出*的桥段让我笑惨了--贿赂,是的,赤裸裸的贿赂,我不知道现实中是否有这种事,但是我知道,现实已经够糜烂了,多这么个电影桥段也"无伤大雅"。强烈推荐这部作品!


标签: 非洲电影观后感
